Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hello everyone~

Blogger isn't letting my computer upload photos today, so we will see if it will let them post later.

For now, here is a written update.

This past end of the week into the weekend, we had 3 fun packed days: kids English camp, Kids VBS, and junior high and highschool English event. They were SUPER fun, with water games, running around, and learning.

For the first two days, we only had two kids: Kouga and his brother Yuga, These are two of the kids who come on Sunday mornings to the church. We met at the local park, 21st Century Park (10 minute walk from our house!)
The first day, we played games, teaching the kids new English words or commands (stand up! spin around!), and playing games using those new words. we got SOAKED! it was so much fun.

The next day, was the VBS (Vacation Bible School). The same two kids showed up (others called us that they were sick). This day was in Japanese, no emphasis on English, but on Jesus and having MORE fun! So we played games, new ones and their favorites from the day before, and taught them the Gospel using colors. Then we made a craft, ate a snack, and played water games until their mom came to pick them up (Then we all ate lunch together!).

The third day, was at Expo Park: Churaumi Aquarium. Two of our friends and Tim's English students, Yui and Yoshiyaki (Junior high students) came, and we split up into teams (girls verses the guys). Then we had an English information scavenger hunt and picture hunt challenge! It started off in a relay race, and turned into the scavenger hunt!
We had to go around and gather information about the park in English (we could ask in Japanese, but had to be able to answer about it in English). So we had to find info about the Dolphins, turtles, and manatees, when the park started, how many Okinawan houses there are in the park (there is seriously so much at the place, it is so neat. If you visit Okinawa, visit expo park!), and pictures all over the park.

At the end we had a face off with questions, and one last water game. The boys ended up winning, but everyone got a really cool prize (churaumi aquarium merchandise!).

It was a really awesome and fun time, everyone was really blessed by it. We didn't have a lot of people, but we loved on and had fun with the ones that came. We are excited to do them again in the future, it turned out so well and fun!

Now we are settling back into a week of normal schedule, as schools start back up, and more work comes in.

We have both been growing a lot, both in our relatonships with God and with eachother. It's been difficult but so exciting at the same time. We are both excited to be able to live our lives together, and to serve Jesus here together! (Sometimes we can't believe what we are being allowed to do).

God bless you all, thank you for your prayers for us!
(pictures soon, when blogger lets us post them)

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