Friday, November 9, 2012


What a busy two months it has been, this blogpost is very over-due, but with good reason.
Our little baby daughter is here with us now!!!

On Thursday, October 18th, at 2:20 pm, Elena Lily was born. The whole labor was 9 hours in total (from first contractions to baby coming out), but really flew by for everyone. Elena gave her mommy an easy and fast labor. She came out on the first push! (only one push!)

We are over-joyed, she is amazing. God really knows how to bless us. She already has the most amazing little personality. God, thank You, thank You, thank You. We praise You for this precious gift.

On the 20th, Eder’s parents flew in from the states and stayed with us for 10 days. They were so blessed to see their little granddaughter! We were so blessed to see them, and share the blessing together (and get lots of help around the house and baby advice!).

It’s a really huge thing to be parents, raise a child, and still do all the other responsibilities that life and ministry bring. But, we wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s completely amazing and we’ve only been at it for 3 weeks. Whoever said that getting married and having a kid ends your life, was completely wrong and missed out big time. It doesn’t end your life, it begins it.

Holidays are coming up, we have our normal outreaches and events planned, but we are praying for new ones if the Lord leads. We really want to share the Gospel with everyone we know and meet. Please pray for us, to stay strong in our marriage, as a family of 3 now, and faithful to ministering for the Lord Jesus.

Thank you for all of your prayers for our pregnancy and birth, it was very evident that we were prayed for.

God bless you, stay caught up with us through Facebook and this blog, pictures are continually being posted~