Thursday, January 21, 2016

2015 into 2016!

Okay, it happened again. The blog got neglected! We are so sorry once again for everyone who keeps up with us through the blog. It's hard to remember that this needs updating when facebook and skype takes care of so much of our communications back in the states.

Again, sorry guys!

So here is what has happened since last time. We had been praying for a long time about what our future steps would be entering into 2014. Not far into spring we made the steps to move from Nago back to Ginowan (where we had served at the church and college before we were married). We set the date to move in June. Things ended up falling right into place, which was more assurance for our hearts that we were taking a step in the right direction (pretty scaring moving from our first home!).

We would be taking over classes at preschool's the church had contracts with, and serving in kids and worship at the church. It was perfect timing, in that the family (our good friends the Wunderliche's!) previously living in the apartment above the girl's d-house were moving to pastor a church in mainland Japan. More than serving, we felt that we needed to be ministered to and trained up in areas here. We feel like this was a step in preparation for whatever God has for us in the future as a more permanent ministry. We are still not sure what that is, but we are following God in faith one step at a time.

Before the move, in March, Eder's mom and sister were able to make a trip out. They were the first to meet Philip! And it was the first time for his sister to see Japan, so it was a blast to show them around, eat lots of food, and enjoy some family time.

We also got to see some of our close friends/English students graduate from high school! It's always neat watching the different celebrations they have here, like the mini parade after they receive their diplomas. Everyone runs out and showers them with gifts, and they have to carry them until the end. Sometimes you can't even tell who it is walking past because they are so loaded up with balloons, snacks, gift bags, and other crazy things.

We threw a baby shower for Mayu at the church, she had a little boy (he is super cute!) not long after we moved in the summer. Not a lot else happened, just some nice times hanging out with the church family in Nago and Joel on weekends. It was a blessing to have him over often for dinner and hang out nights.

So when it did come time to move, we junked a lot of things, and packed up the rest. It took a few cars and a truck we borrowed from a friend, but we were able to get us and all our things down south safely (right before it rained!). The kids adjusted great, they missed their friends but were happy about the new ones here. Elena is especially happy that all the girl's live right down stairs, she is always visiting them.

Less than a month after we moved, we made a trip to the states! It was crazy getting ready to leave so soon after moving, but it worked out! Eder's close cousin was getting married, and everyone needed to meet Philip. It was very fun and we had a lot of family time, and Eder was able to teach for Pastor Wayne at the church, and we both helped with kids.

One of the highlights of the trip was our friend blessing us to get in to Disneyland. Elena had SO much fun, she got to meet all her favorite characters and it was great to watch Eder's family enjoy it right along with them. It's something i never thought we would be able to do, so it was even more amazing that we were able to make it. And i have to say, the employee's there work hard to make it special for kids. We met a guy who was ushering groups in to meet the princesses, and while waiting we talked and found out he had been born in Okinawa when his parents were stationed here. While we were waiting, Eder's brother asked if one of the princesses would be Cinderella (Elena's favorite), but he was pretty sure it wouldn 't be and apologized. No biggie.
So we went in, and Elena was excited but nervous, we started meeting the princesses. And after we met a few, we turned a corner and - There was Cinderella! Elena couldn't believe it. She leaned toward her, and whispered "...cinderella?" and the girl started laughing she thought it was so cute! Elena even gave her a big hug (total mom-melting-heart moment).
When they were taking pictures, one of the workers told Eder's sister that they specifically went out and got Cinderella so Elena could meet her. It was just so kind and sweet of them, they didn't have to do that for one kid, but they did. It just makes me feel so blessed to know the God of love. I don't know if those workers were Christian, but they showed our family love and it blessed us.

When we returned back to Okinawa, we were met with a big surprise: baby #3! We were both shocked and excited! We have now found out that we will have another little boy joining our family in April. Elena is just as excited about this brother as she was about Philip.

Some of the things we have been doing besides baby-prep are: Eder started a Young Adults Bible Study with some of the interns here, they meet at least once a month for study, and try to plan other nights to hang out and fellowship. They had a fun bowling night, and a Christmas Nabe (soup) party. God is really blessing it, the young adults in the church and school had really been feeling a need to hang out and it is evident in how the friendships are growing. Everyone is a great encouragement to eachother.
I also started a Moms' Study in English only, two times a month. There was a need that me and Joanna saw in the English speaking moms and married women in the church. They really desired deeper fellowship, but found it hard with the language barrier. It's been a challenge to me, because i don't feel like i am gifted to teach, but its growing me and its been a blessing for all the women who come. It makes it easier when we see eachother at church to jump in and fellowship.

The holidays were busy but so fun. We had a lot of events with the church, but Eder had a lot of time off from Christmas into January, so we had a lot of family time. Everyone has now returned (except for a few people) from visiting the states, so it feels full again at the cafe.
Now we are just getting back into the swing of work and ministry flowing like usual. Semester will be starting in a few weeks, and in just two months (About) we will be welcoming our 3rd little munchkin! So there is a lot to look forward to.
We also found out recently that our good friends will be stationing here this summer, so we are stoked to see them again! They have such big hearts for the Japanese people.

Here are some prayer requests that we have:

-New car (one with more seats for the kids!)
-Car seat for Philip
-Washing machine (ours has been broken for awhile now)
-Provision for trip to the states (Winter trip)
-Health (everyone has been getting sick)
-Health of baby/momma (fast and safe labor)
-To be guided by the Spirit in our choices for future
-Protection Physical/Spiritual
-Grow in our walks and desire for Jesus

(pictures in the next post!)

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