Friday, September 13, 2013

Summer Ending

August rushed by us in a flash! It doesn't feel like it's September already, the years go by so much faster than when we were kids. And even faster now having a kid of our own.

It is looking and feeling like we will be getting an early winter again this year! Were very excited, and now we have to get all our swimming in before the beaches close!

So far everything has gone pretty smoothly at the church and with the english classes. And the Newell's are having a blessed time with their family in the states.

Last Sunday, our good friend and brother Yasutomo came up and taught for us, and we had a few people we had not seen in awhile come that morning too. It was a really good time for all of us, we were really blessed that people came.

Then Sunday night we were able to make it down to Calvary Chapel Okinawa for Glen and Kevin's ordination (they both got ordained to be pastors). It  was really awesome to be there and to see that God was really just confirming the calling He put on their lives with everyone there agreeing with the work God is doing.

Then, we actually got to head down again on Wednesday night for a going away party for Glen and his family, because they are moving to mainland to pastor a church there. Awesome to see steps of faith being taken, it really encourages us because we have to count the cost it takes too, and we know we are not alone and that we follow a good, and loving God.

We also just recently (only one time so far actually) started a Saturday youth study and game night, twice a month. It was really fun, and i think really a needed thing here. There are lots of youth and they come to a lot of our events, but there has never been anything consistent where they can come and learn and make friends.

Since before we made our visit to the states, we were in the process of getting Eder's Japanese driver's license. Today, Eder passed the test!! He now can officially drive in Japan for long term!! We are so happy! God gave us favor because a lot of foreigners have trouble getting their license, and many of our fellow foreigners at the church have taken the rest many times before passing.

Eder passed the second time!
God is awesome :)

Next month we celebrate Elena's first came so fast! We love watching her grow and learn, but its bittersweet to watch her grow this fast! We can't believe it was that long since she was a tiny bundle in our arms, seems like a month ago.

Also, this month my little sister (not do little anymore!) is having her first baby! We are do excited, and she is about to pop! Can't wait to meet out little nephew soon :)

Please continue to pray for us and the ministry here, God is always doing things, even when we don't see it all the time. :)

Prayer Requests:
-English school
-Visa renewals (coming up after new years)
-New car
-Church and those that come
-Women's study
-Youth study (just started)
-Children's ministry
-Teaching our own children to trust in the Lord.
-Wisdom and contentment
-To keep growing in the Lord

One of our students and friends, Nanami and Elena hanging out.

Playing the "Cup" game after a study.

The kids at our vbs this summer (older picture).

The Phipp's before they left (rest of their boys were running around haha).

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