Monday, March 4, 2013


It's already March, this year is going fast already! Elena turned 4 months last week, and learned how to roll over! (Though its not consistent if she can repeat it haha)

This past month a bunch of new students have signed up for English classes, and next month a new class with a preschool will start. We can see the students growing in their abilities and its so encouraging to hear them speak back in English.

We got Elena's passport and birth certificate applications accepted and turned in, just waiting to receive it in the mail. What a load off our minds! There were so many applications to prepare.

Another baby-blessing this past month was receiving Elena's first hand-me-downs! She got a bag full of cute clothes from an old friend who visited us this Sunday! Yuko-san and her husband and two kids Eishu and Yuriko, used to live here in nago but moved down south last year. It's always a surprise and blessing to see then again, we live playing with the kids! And it was their first time to meet Elena out of the tummy haha

We weren't able to have it in February due to busy schedules, but on March 16th we are having our next women's bible study. We're hoping that more ladies and girls will be able to come this time. So exciting! Pray for us as we prepare.

Life is a huge blessing having a kid. I was thinking the other day as I was folding laundry how it feels like we have always had Elena with us. And I thought about the times I feel stressed out with things I need to get done on top of taking care of Elena, and I remember how easy it was before she was born. Even though I wish I could get it all done, I never wish to not have her.
If I don't get the floors vacuumed because baby made a mess all over herself and needs a bath, that's okay because she is way more important than the floors, which won't die if I don't clean them today. I just think its crazy that we can put the obviously less important priority above the most important without batting an eye.

Here are our prayer requests for this month and the next:
-Eder getting his Japanese drivers license, provision for financially and time to do it.
-Women's bible study/preparation.
-Elena's health (she has had a cough for a while now).
-Trip back to the states in June.
-Eder studying for message and teaching in Japanese on Wednesday nights.
-Diligence in spending our time wisely, and keeping our bodies healthy.

Here are some pictures!

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