Friday, September 2, 2011


Here are the promised pictures!! Enjoy!

These are from the first day, English Kid Camp.

Here are the pictures from the second day, Kids VBS (vacation Bible school).

And here are pics from the third and final day: Junior high/Highschool English Fun day!

Yuko and 'Manda.

Yoshiyaki and Eder.

Part of the relay race.

These are some of the photo challenge pictures (only had the memory card from the girl's camera though).
(find the "unlucky Lizard")

(take a picture with 2 strangers by a flower animal)

(picture by the front entrance)

(getting soaked in the "o'l faithful")

(fill up the face holes)

(get attacked by the whaleshark statue)

after the dash back to the meeting spot!

sweaty and tired.

also, sweaty and tired!

final challenge: Drip, Drip, Drop! (duck duck goose with water)

Eder running.

Eder falling.

Eder laughing in pain.

I had no chance, this girl runs track!

hurray! we finished!

our prizes!

hiking back (the waterfall path) to the top/park entrance.

it's pretty.

yay! Escalator!

And here are some pics from our last Wednesday night Bible study. We met at the Beach and swam, and hung out until dark.

It was a really blessed evening, God spoke to our hearts through His Word, and we had a good time relaxing together.

To all our family and friends, in Christ and in blood, keep up the good work wherever you are at. Keep going strong with Jesus our Lord. Live for Him where your at.

(picture Tamiko Muraki took of us at the beach)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the pics!

    I have questions:
    #1 Can you please tell me what camera you are using ?
    #2 What quality setting do you use?
    #3 And how many MBs (or KB) are the average size of each picture that you put on this blog?

    If you can reply here or to my email, thanks a bunch.
    God is with us, yesss.
